I recently took some time off from writing to help my sweet 83 year old mother with her declining health. Sadly, she went home to be with the Lord last September. It was trying times for me both before and after her passing. She was my best friend…..
I felt like I had lost the inspiration to write and wondered if I would ever get “the muse” back so to speak… At least that’s what I felt until an ANGEL came to visit. At least I believe it was an Angel!
I love to thrift shop. I was in our local Salvation Army thrift store browsing around and a dark skinned man in loose clothing with a gold tooth walked in and seemingly wandered the store. I saw him walk to the back of the store looking around, and then he walked up to me. He said, “I know this might sound strange, but are you a musician?” I was taken aback because I did not know this person, and I told him humbly that, yes, I was. He then smiled and told me that he KNEW God sent him in the store for a reason. He said he was supposed to give someone a message. That message was meant for me!
He said, “You have helped people before with your music, and you are going to help them again”. I got teary and explained how strange that was because my mother had recently died and that I hadn’t written any new music for a while. He asked if he could pray with me and I said, yes. He put his hand on my shoulder and we prayed. He then walked out of the store.
He didn’t come in to buy anything, he walked in off the street on a mission to find ME!
I truly feel that God sent an Angel that day to give me a message. When he left, I was filled with joy and emotion. I walked out of the store inspired! I felt touched by God. This was right before Mother’s Day this year. Within a week of that experience, I wrote a song as a tribute to my Mother called, “My Mother’s Love”. I’ll post that song video in this blog right below my newest song so you can hear them both.
I sponsor the David Jeremiah program on our local Christian radio show, “Faith Radio” in Tallahassee. Scott Beigle, the owner of the station, has a little saying he uses on the radio all of the time, and that is we need to “KEEP ON KEEPIN’ ON”! Scott’s little saying actually inspired me to write this new song. It’s really comical. The video is what makes it! I spent hours and hours running around getting video footage and taking photographs for the video. I ended up having to purchase 3 filler videos/photos off of the internet because I just ran out of steam to gather all of the visual “treats” for the video, but it all came together. This song really is about what I sing in the chorus, and that is, to:
“Keep on keepin’ on til’ the good Lord calls you home, you gotta keep the faith, run your race, keep on keepin’ on”
How true that is! We need to be thankful for the little things we do have and just be the best we can be with what we have. I hope the song will be a blessing to you!
Enjoy and please share the video link with your friends and family!

Here is my Mother’s tribute song video, “My Mother’s Love”