I was excited this morning when I noticed my counter had rolled over 150,000 visitors since I started this new website back last September. That amazes me! I’m honored to learn that people are being led to my site to hear the “messages” in my songs. 🙂 If you’re a new listener, or a returning listener, thank you for visiting my song site. I hope my songs will be a blessing to you. God gives me the words and music for a reason, I’m just the instrument.
NEW SONG COMING! I have a good friend, Judy, who is an avid runner. In 2011, I wrote a song for my husband about his love for mountain bikes – it’s an uptempo fast moving tune and the video has live footage of a mountain bike experience – virtual tour so to speak – on a local trail. I played “I’ve Gotta Ride” for my Judy and she mentioned that I should write a running song. 🙂 Well I put that thought on the back burner because I had so many projects ahead of it, but am happy to say, I finally got around to it and just completed my new “running” song this past weekend. Real Estate in our City has really picked up (day job) so these days, the only time I can find to work on my music as late at night often into the wee hours of the morning. Hoping the Lord will make a way for me to do music ministry full time ….. I feel it’s a calling. It’s not unusual for me to go to bed at 1:00 and 2:00 a.m. when I’m burning the midnight oil creating my songs – but as most of you know if you’ve been following this blog, I’m not up before 9:00 a.m. My song “I don’t do mornings” will attest to that! You can probably guess the title of my new song…… “I’ve Gotta Run” I can’t wait to share it with you. It will probably take a few weeks for me to create the video – I’ve got about 50 photos I’ve got to try to take, acquire, film, etc. If anyone out there is a runner or knows a runner who has photos they can share for my video, please email me at [email protected] and I’ll let you know the types of photos I am looking for! Your photo could be in my video! I always give photo credits at the end of my videos. I’m not a runner so I will either have to go take the photos myself, purchase the photos on the internet, or ask friends to help. As far as the concept of running, I do own a treadmill and am embarrassed to say, it’s currently collecting dust. You might wonder, how can I write a running song when I don’t know anything about it? I think it’s called transference. I must have asked my friend Judy 20 questions about running so I could get into her mindset about the way she feels when she runs and why she likes doing it. I also went on line and looked up a glossary of running terms so I would know what I was talking about. How many out there know what a “PR” is? I was clueless but it means “personal record” in running. Apparently used in other sports too. I’m the artsy type so this non-treadmill person learned something new! I really do need to walk on that treadmill……speaking of which, I actually have it in my head to write an exercise song – it’s actually partially written sitting in one of my journals. Very excited about it so check back – I’ll add the video to this blog once I’ve completed it and if you can help with the photos, I’d love to hear from you!
Libby 😉