For those of you who’ve followed my blog over the months, you might know I’ve got a thing for photography.   My husband and I live on a 5 acre track of land.  Our home is nestled in a natural wooded setting and I have the privilege of seeing God’s little creatures out my window every day.    I started buying corn for the deer and squirrels and black sunflower seeds for the birds, raccoons, and other creatures who enjoy them.  I actually feel guilty if I don’t put the food out regularly!   Yesterday I saw a mama deer and her spotted fawn – it really warmed my heart.    I toss the left overs from dinner outside our front door every night.   My husband says I shouldn’t feed the animals but I just can’t help helping them out a bit.    I’ve witnessed possums and raccoons enjoy the night time left overs but the daily view out my music room windows is just incredible!   A few minutes ago I witnessed what looked like TEN turkeys walking across the backyard.  Now that’s a first!   There was a large turkey in the lead and the others followed in a line – it was amazing.   By the time the movement caught my eye, I really wasn’t at a good vantage point to get good photographs.  I always catch movement out of the corner of my eye and have my camera ready to go on my piano bench.  Bad news is, I often have to fumble for my glasses to be able to see the distance to take the photo!   We have lots of red cardinals and squirrels.   A mama raccoon and her 4 babies have made our home theirs and they are a blast to watch out the windows as they climbing trees and hang upside down from the bird feeders.   I’ll upload some of the wildlife photos for you from my “good” camera in the near future….   The photos below were taken with my I-phone. 

My sweet cat Callie follows me around the house when I’m home.   She decided to stretch out on my piano rug and I couldn’t resist snapping this one.


My parents live next door and my dad has an annual flower garden.   This year I requested Sunflowers.   The weeds have kind of taken over the little garden and the flowers have been taking their time blooming, but I was able to snap a few shots and enjoy seeing the new growth when I visit.    What’s interesting is that the majority of the flowers are probably 5-6 feet tall and just starting to bloom but about 2 weeks ago, a the smallest (shortest – approx. 2 ft) sunflower was the first to show it’s colors!  I snapped the photo of that little flower with the black background shown below at night.     Took the “bashful” sunflower shot yesterday.     Hope everyone is doing well.   My regular job and other endeavors are keeping me busy but I’ve continued with guitar, banjo, and ukelele lessons.   Hoping to incorporate some of that music in future songs.    I hope you have a blessed week.

As I close, two deer are standing approximately 25 feet from me eating the corn I put out earlier today.  What a blessing. 🙂


Beauty comes from the heart ….                             “BASHFUL” sunflower


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First flower to bloom – “AFTER THE RAIN”
