Well I’m certainly excited to see that my website counter just rolled over 300,000! I’m just thrilled to know that on average, over 500 people a day come to visit my site and/or return to my site to hear my music. I feel so blessed to be able to share my music through my website. For those who may be new to my site, the videos page is the best place to enjoy the songs. Hours of love go into orchestrating/creating my songs and preparing the videos that accompany them.
For me, my music isn’t just about selling CD’s or downloads, although I am certainly blessed by people buying my music, it’s about being able to reach people through the “messages” that I’ve been given to share through my songs. 🙂 It is my sincere hope that my music will make a difference in the world. It’s hard to know just who you may be touching so if you would like to reach out and make a comment to me about my music in general or a particular song that has spoken to you, I’d love to hear from you! Just email me personally at [email protected] If you would like for me to post your comments or email on my website, just let me know, otherwise I assure you your email will remain private. I do get a chuckle sometimes when I receive emails or order inquiries with people addressing me as “Dear sir or madam” or “Attention processing department” and the like. Rest assured, there is no staff, no assistant, nor a processing person. I personally respond to each and every email or order question. For those who don’t know, I personally package my CD’s and DVD’s with pretty ribbon and always add a personal note, and then I hand deliver them to the post office twice a week. There is no assistant or staff person, just me!
I thank God the gift of songwriting. You know, we all have a gift inside of us – it took me a while to find mine! 🙂 So if you don’t know, the greatest compliment I can receive is hearing from you to know a song has touched your life or learning that you shared one of my songs with a friend! I hope this new year finds everyone happy, healthy, and grateful for each new day we are given. As a followup to my last blog entry, I’m wrapping up the final stages of a new song I’ve been working on – an up tempo Southern Gospel sing-along type song thats sure to get your hands clapping and your toes tapping! Check back soon!