I made it through surgery okay last week but I’m a week post-surgery and it’s been a very slow recovery. I’m not one to sit still so this “do nothing” concept has been very hard to adapt to. I have to confess I was moving decorations around in my music room because I was so excited about it. I’m getting caught up on my David Jeremiah and Joel Osteen taped tv recordings that I’ve DVR’d which not only fill my time but inspire me. Hoping to get back to creating music soon. I can’t sit for long periods of time.
I noticed that my counter rolled over 200,000 visitors this week! That’s amazing. I’m just so thrilled to know that many people have come to my site and are enjoying the music and videos. I uploaded this new songsite last September and at that time carried over around 25,000 visitors from the old site, so in just under a year’s time 175,000 people have been introduced to my music through my website. That truly warms my heart! I think God leads people here to receive messages He has given me to relay through my music. 🙂
If you’re new to my site, the best place to hear my songs is to click on the LISTEN tab at the top of the page and then go to the VIDEOS page. The videos I lovingly create bring my songs to life. I hope they will be a blessing to you.
As promised, here are some photos of the new music room in progress – down to the finished product! When I finish recovering, I can’t wait to create music in this inspiring new room. It has picture windows all the way around the gazebo and I’m going to set up bird feeders and gazing balls outside and maybe even a small fountain. And to think, it all started with a screened porch, and an idea…. (old screened porch shown above)
I’ve been needing a space to work in for a while. My Husband and I live in Florida and really only get to use our screened porch a few months out of the year. To better sum it up, I think we sat on the screened porch only twice last year. So yes, I made a sacrifice and gave up our screened porch for a music room. Jim just kind of went along with the idea…. The photos above show the new door to the area, and a side screened door which leads to an area to be enclosed. I picked out a custom order door that took forever to come in! Notice the white ceiling in the photo of the gazebo? It’s fixing to be miraculously transformed! So these first few photos represent what the space looked like pre-music room. The ceiling was replaced with tounge and groove cedar paneling, I left it natural because I love the smell. I hand picked out each piece of wood and I have to tell you it took going to multiple stores to get good pieces. Each piece of wood is hand milled and now I know what contractors go through selecting their wood. I kind of got carried away ordering decorations for the music room on ebay and the like, and Callie, my sweet kitty just had to try out my new piano rug that sat on our dining room table for a month! I just love the photo where it looks like she’s playing the keys! I founded the cutest music motif curtains on line, at Cafe Press. I’m very pleased with them. I had to try out 3 sets of rods to hang them on, though, as fitting the rods into an octagon shaped room with no space for the end pieces to breath without running into each other was a bit challenging. After drywall and insulation came windows and doors and A/C (gotta have that in Florida!), followed by a gold colored paint and finally flooring. My cat Callie avoided the month long construction process like the plague steering far away from the new room despite her curiosity. I wish I had captured my cat on camera the first time she walked into the new room. She was very inquisitive but took right to it as you can see in the photos at the bottom. Callie’s an inside kitty and the new room now allows her to enjoy the outdoors through the big picture windows. My contractor and good friend, E. G. is pictured below putting together my new ceiling fan. The finished product is exactly what I dreamed of. E.G. does awesome work! To think, all it took was some vision, creativity, and a skilled carpenter. I knew exactly what my room would look like before I built it and I can’t wait to spend time in it once I recover from my surgery. E.G. was so sweet, he actually stopped by and brought me flowers and chocolates checking on me night before last – he’s such a dear friend. So enjoy the tour! Hope to be uploading new creations in the near future.
Blessings, Libby