As we gear up toward Christmas with all of the hustle and bustle of shopping and the like, we all should take time to reflect on what Christmas is really all about, the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.   My song, “What Christmas Means to Me” reflects just that…..  I had the idea to create a story song reflecting upon the birth of Christ.  I decided I wanted children to record the song.   It all worked out – my mother is an extended grandmother to many children – and she suggested that I have Kaitlyn and Shannon (sisters) sing the song.  I alternated voices in the mix between the girls and then joined the voices together in certain places.  The song is just precious!   I made a CD for the girls to give their mother for Christmas that year.  What a special gift that was to their mother, and is to all of us who hear their sweet voices as they sing this beautiful song.    I hope you will be blessed by the words and music.