Download Instructions
Simply click “Purchase” on the item you would like to download.
The “Purchase” button will change to “Checkout.” If you are ready to checkout you can click “Checkout.” If you are not ready to checkout you may continue shopping and when you are ready the shopping cart is at the bottom of every page. Click “Checkout” to checkout.
Fill in your name, email, and address then press “Purchase.”
If you have a paypal account already set up, log in to your account.
When you place the order for your download, the first thing that comes up will be a box that says “Thanks for your Order” (SEE PHOTO BELOW) This box tells you that your payment went through, gives you a transaction ID , tells you that you will receive an email confirmation, and states how the charge will appear on your credit card statement. Right below that it will say return to [email protected]
If you click on the return to libbyallensongs link, it will take you back to the main page and a box will appear that says PURCHASE CONFIRMATION with a little link below it that will allow you to obtain your order.  Once you click on the link, the mp3 or PDF file will be automatically be downloaded to your computer.  If you are ordering mp3 files, you can then burn/rip the music to a CD and/or play it from your computer.  Sheet Music/Lyric sheets are done the same way. (SEE PHOTO BELOW)
When you go back to your email you will probably receive two emails, one that says Receipt for Payment to Libby Allen Songs and another email with Your Receipt and Download Links.
If you click on the Your Receipt and Download link a box will appear that says “thank you for your purchase…. ” Be sure to download your music or written material within 48 hours. A blue link should appear to allow you to obtain the download again.