CLICK ON THE BUTTON BELOW TO SEE SOME FASCINATING PHOTOS! Well I’ve set out the course, pardon the pun, to come up with some running pictures for my new song/video about the sport of running called “I’ve Gotta Run”
Went to a local benefit race for Animals last Saturday morning and being the non-morning person that I am, arrived 5 minutes before the start of the race. Because I wasn’t an early arriver, I was guided to a distant parking spot about a mile from the race, with 5 minutes left to spare. I grabbed my camera and tripod and started running across an open field to get to my destination to get the shots I needed for my video. About 5 seconds in, I slammed the end of the tripod into my lip on a forward stride. Needless to say, with lip now throbbing, I continued the course to try to get up to the runners when a person working the event saw my distress and hollered out that if I cut over to the road, the runners would run by me! What a thought! Cut to the right and set up and caught the runners as they rounded the bend. After the event, met a nice lady named Jennifer who helped me get some of the shots I needed. This running video is quite the challenge! Without enough pictures, I set out again yesterday (Saturday) to another local benefit race for the Shriners and without injury, was able to get a good amount of photography in – about 700 photos to be exact. Yes, 700. I figured out how to use that burst feature on my new camera where it takes multiple shots and if you don’t take your finger of the the button, you end up with way more than you bargained for. Oh well, can’t have too many photos… After that event, I realized I still didn’t have all of the shots I was looking for so I set out to Lake Ella in Tallahassee because I knew runners would be running around the lake. To my surprise, I got more than I bargained for there! Not only did I get some great running photos, but I got to go to a yard sale where everything, I mean EVERYTHING, was 25 cents. I was like a kid in a candy store! More importantly than my yard sale bargain finds, I got to experience the marvel of God’s handiwork and wanted to share some of the nature photos that I took at the lake yesterday. Love my new camera! I actually purchased it with frequent flyer miles believe it or not! Just in case you are not aware, check your credit card to see if you get “points”. Like my parents, you might be unaware you have collected points on the card which you can redeem for gifts! After 3 years of saving points, I ended up with an $1600 Sony Camera which I am so excited about using to help me with my videos. So back on the photos….. (my mind rambles sometimes) I was so excited to see a mother goose escorting her children, followed in progression by protective daddy. I witnessed a white mother duck cleaning herself, while staying close to an egg she had layed. I saw a family of turtles out in the middle of the lake, and saw two baby raccoons frolic about and cross the road. The raccoons surprised me because this in-town location just doesn’t seem like a habitat for raccoons. Nonetheless, I was in front of the police station leaving the lake excursion, spotted the little raccoons and flung out of my car with the camera – another passer byer did the same thing! We were just marveled by it. Just goes to show you, you can find beauty everywhere if you look for it! If you read my little bird story I posted recently, you might surmise I have a heart for animals. Anyway, I wanted to share a few of my new photos with you – hope they touch your heart!
I wish each and every mother a Happy Mother’s Day today! I’m mother to a 12 pound cat named “Callie” – got a beautiful mother’s day card this morning (from the cat) 🙂 Hubby helped with that! I’m so thankful to still have my mother with me – plan to spend a nice visit and found just the right card. I am reminded about one of the 10 Commandments, Honor thy Father and thy Mother. Be sure you pick up the phone today or make a visit. It will mean the world to her! My mother’s eyes always light up when I walk through the door of my parent’s home. I think we need to love them while they’re with us. That’s actually similar to the title of one of the songs I’ve written, “Love Them While They’re With You” The story in that song kind of brings it all home especially if your mother is having health difficulties – maybe you were led to my song site today to hear the message in this song – click on the LISTEN button at the top, and then click on WATCH VIDEOS and scroll down to row 6, far right – and look for the photo of the PURPLE FLOWER. (I took the flower photos from my parents annual flower garden). Even though the story in my song might not be your story, listen to the important message at the end of the song – I believe we all need to live by that message….
I hope you have a blessed day and enjoy my new photographs! Stay tuned for the running song and video – I’ve got a long ways to go on the video. It can take more than 40 hours to create a 3 minute video and this particular video is going to be the most challenging yet! It’s going to be awesome! To think, a “running song” with mention of God in it! It’s amazing what comes to me….. I am thankful and blessed for each and every message God gives me to share.