Today would have been my brother’s 54th birthday.  It’s funny how we never forget….. birth dates, death dates, or anniversaries of lost love ones.   Those symbolic dates are forever etched in our hearts.   My brother, Mark, died of cancer at the age of 31, over 20 years ago, which seems like just yesterday.  It was a very trying 6 month battle.   Mark had cancer when he was 19 years old.  He had just gotten married and went to the doctor for something else and while he was there asked to have a mole on his neck examined.   That unusual mole turned out to be an aggressive form of melanoma cancer.   They operated, which at that time (over 20 years ago) was a bit primitive, cutting out a large amount of muscle in the neck and shoulder area and implemented skin graphs from his leg.  Mark wore his hair long to cover his extensive scars.   Thankfully, the cancer went into remission.   He never went back for routine checkups and the cancer came back with a vengeance 20 years later and ultimately took his life.   My dear brother left behind 2 young children, Jason and Jessica, at the time ages 5 and 8 years of age – My parents actually ended up raising them….  The pain of loss has certainly gotten easier with the passing of time but the fact is we never forget.   In reflecting back on that difficult trial I’ve come to realize and I’ve mentioned it before, that without my having been through the loss of my dear brother, I truly don’t believe I would have the empathy to now write songs about loss which can help people all over the world.  I thank God for giving me that gift.   It blesses me beyond measure to know my words can help others.   I’ve had friends ask me why I choose write songs about death….   The truth is, I don’t choose.  God gives me the words and music to share – I’m just the messenger.    I will say, to anyone who may have had cancer which is now in remission, I implore you to get routine checkups which is what my brother didn’t do.   I do find comfort in knowing that my dear brother is in Heaven with Jesus and that I will no doubt see him again one day.    To all of you who lost a loved one, my heart goes out to you.   I know your pain.   Know that God has a plan.

I hope that my songs will bring you hope, comfort, and help heal grieving hearts.    If you are new to my song site, click on the LISTEN tab at the top, then scroll down to VIDEOS where you will find video clips to most of my songs.   Listed below are titles of the songs I have written about loss.    I hope they will be a blessing to you.  “Don’t Cry for Me”, “Heaven’s Now My Home”, “I’m Gonna Be With You Once More”, “Love Lives On”, “Paradise”, “Lift Me Up In Your Sheltering Arms”, “I Win Either Way”