AT LONG LAST!  My new “At Least I’m On The Green Side” bumper sticker is now available!

(Click READ MORE below to view)

I was excited to actually find a font that looks like grass!  🙂  For all of you who have already heard my song, “Green Side of the Grass”, being on the “green side” will make perfect sense to you!   It is my belief that we should live each day to the fullest, be grateful for the health we do have, and be the best we can be!   It would be wonderful if listeners can help me spread these words of encouragement through this song!   I am hoping that this little bumper sticker might peak the curiosity of someone driving behind you, or of someone walking behind your car in a parking lot, to go to the website listed on the bumper sticker to see what “being on the green side” is all about.    The web address on the bumper sticker actually links them to my songsite.  It is my hope that someone will be led to my website who needs to hear a special message and receive a blessing through my music.  God gives me the words and music to my songs for a reason.  If one person can come to Christ through a message in one of my songs, I will have fulfilled my calling to have written the song.   The song “Green Side of the Grass” has an important message in the prayer at the end.   I hope everyone who hears my song will be blessed by the words and music.

As you know, there is never any obligation to purchase my music.  This website offers the ability to hear the songs that I have written in their entirety and to watch the videos that I’ve prepared as a service to others.  This is a music ministry – it’s a calling God has given me.   I’m honored just to know you’re listening!



TWO WAYS TO ORDER!  Receive a free bumper sticker when you order my 3-CD compilation  – Click on the ORDER tab at the top of the page and scroll down to CDs/DVDs tab, OR with a $5.00 donation (includes shipping/handling) by clicking on the ORDER tab at the top of the page and scrolling down the drop-down menu to GREEN SIDE OF THE GRASS BUMPER STICKER.