“I Win Either Way”    I wrote that song a few years ago  after a 5 day illness.   My song talks about a person winning whether they get to go home and be with the Lord or whether they get to stay here on earth with their loved ones.   I’m going in for surgery in the morning and find myself reflecting on the words to my song.  I’ve been running around like a chicken with my head cut off today trying to tie up loose ends with my real estate job, mailing out CD orders, and getting caught up on everything else.  There simply were not enough hours in this day.   I even updated my Will.   Yes, I know that’s not a very pleasant thing  to talk about but I’m the type that likes to have everything in order, just in case…. I’m hoping the good Lord will let me stick around to write more songs in the beautiful new music room I’ve been having constructed over the last few weeks.   I know I promised pictures of the new room but they will have to wait until the next  blog entry.   I certainly have a nice environment to be able to write songs in when I get home!

The reason I’m getting into this is that I won’t be able to fulfill CD orders as quickly as I normally do.  During my recovery, it will take the full 2 weeks for you to receive your CD order because I’ll have to recruit someone to help to drive me to the post office to send orders out.  Out of Country orders will probably run 3 weeks.   I’ll be in the hospital hopefully no more than 2 days so when I get back and can make it to a computer, I’ll upload those photos I’ve been promising!  Unfortunately, I cannot assist with any custom Memorial DVD’s right now.  Sheet music, background music, lyric sheets, and mp3’s of my songs are available for immediate download if needed.   I have to be at the hospital at 10:15 and surgery is set for 12:45.  I’m not really sure what I’m going to be doing up there for 2 1/2 hours.   Anyway, I would appreciate you keeping me in your prayers.
