God is good! I’ve had the pleasure of meeting so many wonderful people through this music ministry! Each day brings someone new into my life and I thank God for that. I can’t thank you all enough for your kind words of encouragement that I receive through emails and letters. I love hearing from you! I’m so glad to be able to share the messages in my songs with you through my website and through the YouTube venue that most likely brought you here. God gives me the messages in my songs to share! I feel that God leads each and every person to my song site for a reason and I am so glad that you are reading this blog today! I feel blessed to know that my music is making a difference in the world. 🙂 If you are new to my site, the best place to listen to my songs is on the “VIDEOS” Page. If you click on “LISTEN” at the top of the page and then click on VIDEOS, you’ll be set! I work hard to create meaningful videos to accompany my songs and I want to share them with you. My real estate day job has kept me quite busy these last few weeks so I have to make time for my music in the late hours of the night/wee hours of the morning. Not unusual for me to be in the studio at 1:00 am.! My husband’s gotten used to it now. I’m a late sleeper though! Hard to rouse me before 9:00 a.m. – for those who don’t know, I even wrote a song about that on this site “I Don’t Do Mornings” It’s really cute! Check it out on the videos page!
I’m very excited to announce that I’ve ordered some really cool bumper stickers! If, like me, you’re “on the other side of 50”, you should have this bumper sticker on your car! (That’s all I’ll say for now!) Should be here in a week or two so I’ll take a photo and post it on my blogsite.
Running behind, but as promised, I have finally completed sheet music for my wedding piece, “You Are My Everything” Yay! There are two versions, simple and intricate – I will probably offer them to be purchased together in a package so varying levels of pianists can play the piece. There are about 5 music keys to choose from. The sheet music will be available on my website as soon as I can hire my web developer to come and upload it for me. Meanwhile, if anyone needs to order the sheet music, just email me personally at [email protected]