These special slippers were going to be a Christmas present for my Mom this year.
(I had purchased them back in July).
My Mom collects ladybugs and I was so excited when I found them on-line.
After her lymphoma (cancer) diagnosis this past August, I asked the doctor if my mother might make it to Christmas; after all, my newphew Jason was getting married December 17th.
I just wanted to have one last Christmas…..
When I was told mother only had about a month to live and wouldn’t make it to Christmas, I was beside myself. I immediately gave Mom the ladybug slippers, guiding them gently over her bedridden toes. She wasn’t feeling well at the time, she smiled gently and drifted off to sleep.
I left to go home.
When my mom woke up, she looked down and truly saw the slippers I had gotten for her (my dad had the video camera going). Mother was so excited! Thanks to Dad’s video, I now have a priceless recorded memory of my mother’s child like enthusiasm over those silly ladybug slippers. Her expression was priceless….
Kind of brings things home…. we should give the gift of our “presence” along with presents while our elderly loved ones are with us. We aren’t promised a tomorrow. We don’t have to wait until Christmas to give gifts. Visit your loved ones while they are here. Make memories and spend as much time with them as you can. Take them balloons or flowers for no reason at all and give them the present of your presence. 🙂
I got to spend endless hours with my Mom, especially those last few days….
So thankful I was able to be there to hold her hand when she took her last breath here and her first breath In Heaven.
Missing my sweet Mother this Christmas.🎄