Well the first day in my new music room, I experienced the surprise of seeing a beautiful deer about 10 feet outside my window!   She visited the next day also but has seemingly moved on to greener pastures.  I’ve seen deer in our yard before but never that close.   I’m going to have the area cleaned up a little out there, install some bird feeders, and put some corn out to feed the deer and other wildlife that comes to visit.  It’s so amazing to watch a deer’s graceful demeanor.  Usually a deer can spot even the slightest movement.  They have a keen since of hearing too, but this doe didn’t see or hear me move up to the window to snap the photo.   I also saw a beautiful orange butterfly a few days ago but couldn’t grab my camera (or my “glasses” to see to take the picture…, hey, I’m over 50 but on the greenside!) in time to snap a shot.   I just love my new room!   Nature is right outside my window.  Yes, I do take time to smell the roses now.  It only took me 51 years to learn to do that.   Jim and I are looking forward to taking a few days off for a North Carolina trip again this fall.  The mountains are just beautiful and I’m hoping to visit some more waterfalls.

I’ve had a few mechanical setbacks this past week – a music interface component that connects my keyboard to the computer actually burned up – it literally had smoke coming out of it!   I’m so glad I was home.  When I had it moved to the new room, the wrong voltage adaptor apparently got hooked up to it and fried it.  Words of advice if you are plugging in a device, make sure the charger that comes with your component is what gets used if you relocate it!   Argh!!   I had a new component installed though and now I’m back in commission.   I had the pleasure of having Bobby Kennedy come record for me this past week – I decided to create a male vocal version of my song “Rainbow Bridge”.   It’s such a special song.  It will be a week or two before I can work on mastering the mix and creating a video for it but that’s next on my list. 🙂   My quartet arranger, Paul, also finalized a female Sweet Adelines sheet music version this week of my song, ‘Green Side of the Grass” with lovely harmonies.    (For those who don’t know, SA is equivalent to that of a male Barbershop quartet)

I hope everyone had a restful Sunday.   Have a blessed week.   Libby 😉